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ITC Berkeley Old Style
ITC Berkeley Old Style
ITC Berkeley Old Style is based on a typeface designed by Frederic W. Goudy in 1938 called University of California Old Style. It was a private press type for the publishing house of that school. In 1958, about ten years after Goudy’s death, Monotype re-issued the type under the name Californian, and it became a very successful face for book typography. Goudy himself said he designed this face to have the greatest legibility possible, and it is indeed free from the exuberances in some of his other faces. Tony Stan redrew the family for ITC for 1983, and it was named ITC Berkeley Old Style, Berkeley being the city where the University of California Press is located. Stan did a careful drawing of eight styles including italics. ITC Berkeley Old Style is a crisply beautiful tribute to a distinguished typeface, and it works well for books, magazines, and advertising display.