- MD5值:
ITC Tickle™
ITC Tickle™
在Patricia Lillie的成長過程中她一直認為世界上最酷的事情是在圖書館目錄中找到自己的名字。1986年,當她的第一本兒童讀物出版時,她的夢想成真瞭。隨後又出版瞭五本。
看到自己的作品出現在圖書館書架上的興奮感並沒有減弱,但是今天,Lillie很有可能在一本書的封面上看到她的某一款字體。她創作瞭幾種顯示字體和圖像字體。 “我第一款字體的設計是基於我在圖書館工作時做的刻字,為兒童區設計圖形。” 她解釋說,“我目前設計瞭很多的網頁,但是字體是我最喜歡的。”
Tickles(ITC Tickle和ITC Tickle Too)是Lillie發佈的第一款ITC字體版本。 “有一天,我拿著Sharpie馬克筆寫字,我很喜歡那些字母的樣子。”她回憶說,“我在Fontographer中從頭開始重做字母來嘗試會有什麼進展,然後我也很喜歡那些字母。”
ITC Tickle是一種明顯違反瞭一兩個排印規則的雙格式字體(大寫字母與小寫字母的尺寸一樣)。ITC Tickle Too具有相同的基本字形,但是它們集群的斑點使設計具有三維特征。最後就出現瞭一個友好的、標新立異的、能夠為您的工作增添樂趣的顯示字體傢族。
When Patricia Lillie was growing up, she thought the coolest thing in the world would be finding her own name listed in a library catalog. The fantasy came true in 1986 when her first children’s book was published. Five more followed.
The thrill of seeing her work on library shelves hasn’t abated, but today, Lillie is just as likely to see one of her typefaces on the cover of a book. She has created several display faces and image fonts. My first typeface designs were based on lettering I’d done while working for a library, doing graphics work for the children’s section," she explains. "I currently do a lot of web design, but type is my favorite thing."
The Tickles (ITC Tickle and ITC Tickle Too) are Lillie’s first ITC typeface releases. "I was playing around with a Sharpie marker one day and liked the way the letters looked," she recalls. "I started redoing the letters from scratch in Fontographer to see what developed, and liked those letters too."
ITC Tickle is a bi-form font (with both cap and lowercase letters of the same size) that clearly breaks a typographic rule or two. ITC Tickle Too has the same basic lettershapes, but they’ve grown clusters of stipples that give a three-dimensional quality to the design. The result is a friendly, offbeat display family that’s guaranteed to add a giggle to your work."