Aldus® nova

Aldus® nova

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Aldus® nova



Aldus® nova


設計師:Zapf,Hermann; Kobayashi,Akira





Palatino nova是 Hermann Zapf教授對自己的傑作Palatino nova的重新設計。最初的Palatino是由August Rosenberger在法蘭克福D. Stempel AG鑄造廠用金屬切割而成,並於1950年發佈。後來,Palatino被用於Linotype機器上的機械排版,成為20世紀最常用的字體之一。Palatino是為易讀性而設計的,有開放式的字懷和精心加重的筆畫。這種字體是以達·芬奇時代的書法大師Giambattista Palatino的名字命名的。Palatino是一種基於意大利文藝復興時期的經典字體。憑借其自身的現代經典,Palatino在專業的平面設計師和業餘愛好者中很受歡迎,對於文本和顯示排版都很適用。

Hermann Zapf和Akira Kobayashi為21世紀重新開發瞭Palatino,創作瞭Palatino nova。由Linotype在2005年發佈,Palatino nova傢族是Linotype Platinum Collection傢族的一部分。Palatino nova包括幾個字重(Light、Regular、Medium和Bold),每個都有相應的斜體。四種樣式(Regular、Italic、Bold和Bold Italic)在其字符集中內置瞭希臘字母和西裡爾字母的字形。Palatino nova傢族還包括Aldus(現在稱為Aldus nova)的修訂版,以及兩個標題字重。第一個標題重量,Palatino nova Titling,是基於Hermann Zapf的金屬字體Michelangelo,包括希臘菲迪亞斯(Phidias Greek)的希臘字形。更粗的標題字重,Palatino nova Imperial,是基於Sistina的。Palatino nova傢族的字體支持所有48種西歐、中歐和東歐語言。附加功能: 連字和歷史連字、小型大寫字母、裝飾字符和一傢族數字(不等寬和等寬排列以及老式數字、分數、下標和上標)。

Palatino nova is Prof. Hermann Zapf’s redesign of his own masterpiece, Palatino. The original Palatino was cut in metal by August Rosenberger at D. Stempel AG typefoundry in Frankfurt, and released in 1950. Palatino was later adapted for mechanical composition on the Linotype machine, and became one of the most-used typefaces of the 20th Century. Palatino was designed for legibility, and has open counters and carefully weighted strokes. The type was named after Giambattista Palatino, a master of calligraphy from the time of Leonardo da Vinci. Palatino is a typeface based on classical Italian Renaissance forms. A modern classic in its own right, Palatino is popular among professional graphic designers and amateurs alike, working well for both text and display typography.

Hermann Zapf and Akira Kobayashi redeveloped Palatino for the 21st Century, creating Palatino nova. Released by Linotype in 2005, the Palatino nova family is part of Linotype’s Platinum Collection. Palatino nova includes several weights (Light, Regular, Medium, and Bold), each with companion italics. Four styles (Regular, Italic, Bold, and Bold Italic) have Greek and Cyrillic glyphs built into their character sets. The Palatino nova family also includes revised versions of Aldus (now called Aldus nova), as well as two titling weights. The first titling weight, Palatino nova Titling, is based on Hermann Zapf’s metal typeface Michelangelo, including Greek glyphs from Phidias Greek. The heavier titling weight, Palatino nova Imperial, is based on Sistina.

The fonts in the Palatino nova family support all 48 Western, Central, and Eastern European languages. Additional features: ligatures and historical ligatures, Small Caps, ornaments, and a range of numerals (proportional & tabular width lining and Old style Figures, fractions, inferiors, and superiors)."


Aldus® nova




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