Janson® Text

Janson® Text

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Janson® Text



Janson® Text


設計師:D. Stempel AG Design Studio





匈牙利雕刻師Miklos Kis大約於1685年在阿姆斯特丹工作時設計和切割瞭這款字體。它並不是由在萊比錫工作的荷蘭人Anton Janson切割的。多年來,該字體被誤認為是Janson創作的,而且字體名稱也仍然錯誤地使用著他的名字。1919年,Kis的一些凸模和凹模(punches and matrices)流入到法蘭克福的D. Stempel AG公司。1954年,Linotype Janson是基於原始Kis的凸模,在Hermann Zapf的監督下被切割。D. Stempel AG Design Studio的Werner Schimpf和Reinhard Haus與內部設計師合作,於1985年對Janson進行瞭最新擴展。如今這個版本的Janson Text已經成為一個包含八種字重的通用字體傢族,是Kis最真實的數字版本。憑借其清晰、堅固的形式以及強烈的筆畫對比,Janson Text已被證明非常適用於書籍和雜志中的文本,並且繼續並繼續出現在暢銷字體的行列。

The Hungarian punchcutter Miklos Kis designed and cut this typeface in about 1685 while working in Amsterdam. It was not cut by Anton Janson, a Dutch punchcutter who worked in Leipzig in the seventeenth century. For many years this typeface was wrongly attributed to Janson, and the font still erroneously bears his name. Some of the Kis punches and matrices made their way to D. Stempel AG in Frankfurt in 1919. Linotype Janson was cut in 1954 under the supervision of Hermann Zapf, and was based on the original Kis punches. Werner Schimpf and Reinhard Haus from the D. Stempel AG Design Studio worked together with the internal designers the most recent expansion of Janson in 1985. Now a versatile family of eight weights, this version of Janson Text is the most authentic digital version of the Kis types. With its legible, sturdy forms and strong stroke contrast, Janson Text? has proved very successful for book and magazine text, and it continues to appear in the ranks of bestselling types.


Janson® Text



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