ITC Golden Type®

ITC Golden Type®

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ITC Golden Type®



ITC Golden Type®


設計師:Jörgenson,Helga; Engelmann,Sigrid





ITC GoldenType®是一款對19世紀晚期由William Morris所設計的字體的復刻,William Morris是維多利亞時代的一位偉大的設計師、詩人、藝術傢、工匠、社會改革傢和印刷商。在為他的個人印刷初版物中尋找堅固而純正的字形時,他受到瞭Nicolas Jenson在15世紀印刷的書籍中所用的羅馬字體的啟發。

他設計的這款字體叫做Golden Type,比Jenson的羅馬體粗得多。它滿足瞭Morris對穩健形式的需求和渴望,這些形式可以很好地與他的Kelmscott Press Editions中精美的插圖和邊框相吻合。這款字體是由Edward Prince沖切而成的,其名稱取自Morris用它印刷的第一本書,即一本名為The Golden Legend的中世紀手冊。”

20世紀80年代,德國URW公司的三位產品設計師花瞭很大的心血將ITC Golden Type數字化,並將其發展成適合當前時代使用的字體。ITC Golden Type發佈於1989年,具有Original、Bold和Black字重,小型大寫字母以及附加字符。ITC Golden Type最適合用於較大的尺寸以及較大的間距,它能夠喚起Morris想要的所有的穩定性和活力。”

ITC Golden Type® is a revival of a typeface designed in the late nineteenth century by William Morris, who was a great Victorian designer, poet, artist, craftsman, social reformer, and printer. In his search for a solid and pure letterform to use in his private press editions, he was inspired by the roman types in books printed by Nicolas Jenson in the fifteenth century. The type he designed, called Golden Type, is much heavier than Jenson’s roman. It suited Morris’ need and desire for robust forms that stood up well to the magnificent illustrations and borders in his Kelmscott Press Editions. The type was punchcut by Edward Prince, and the name comes from the first book Morris printed with it, the medieval manual called The Golden Legend." In the 1980s, three production designers at URW in Germany took on a labor of love to digitize the Golden Type, and to develop it into a serviceable typeface for the current era. ITC Golden Type was released in 1989 with original, bold, and black weights, small caps, and additional characters. Best used in larger point sizes and with generous spacing, ITC Golden Type evokes all the solidity and vibrancy that Morris intended."


ITC Golden Type®

