ITC Panic™

ITC Panic™

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ITC Panic™



ITC Panic™







當你幾乎無法控制局面的時候,ITC Don’t Panic仿古的形狀和粗獷的輪廓不會讓你產生恐慌。當你真的失去控制,並且看不到任何希望的時候,ITC Panic的恐慌就會沿著情緒的軌跡進一步蔓延。湯普森說,這些字體的靈感來自於一天的郵件。我收到瞭一個信封,它看上去像是經歷瞭一次艱難的旅程;上面印著的字體看上去很疲憊,參差不齊。“出乎意料的是,那張殘破的信封喚醒瞭我。我很興奮,想把這種外觀復制為一種字體。”Thompson設計瞭ITC Don’t Panic,然後站在後面看著它,覺得它需要一個焦慮不安的同伴。

ITC Don’t Panic催生瞭一格積極的精神錯亂的產物,ITC Panic。這兩種設計都是全大寫字母設計。事實證明,對湯普森來說,創造一個真正被擾亂的外觀是一個挑戰。 “我是想設計焦慮不安的字符,但他們看起來像是在演戲。


ITC Don’t Panic’s distressed shapes and craggy outlines evoke the feeling you get when you’re just barely in control of a situation. This is type design on the edge. ITC Panic is further down the emotional track, when you’ve actually lost control and there is no hope in sight. Thompson says the inspiration for these faces arrived one day in the mail. I received an envelope that looked like it had a rough trip; the type that was stamped on it had a tired, ragged appearance. Ironically, the haggard envelope woke me up. I got excited and wanted to replicate the look as a font of type." Thompson designed ITC Don’t Panic, then stood back and looked at it and decided it cried out for a more agitated companion. ITC Don’t Panic gave birth to the positively psychotic offspring, ITC Panic. Both are all-cap designs with alternate characters in the unshift position. Creating an authentically disturbed appearance proved to be a challenge for Thompson. "I tried to design agitated characters, but they looked staged. So I tried multiple photocopies, but that didn’t work. Eventually, I laser-printed the basic characters, wadded up the lasers, then flattened them out and stomped on them with heavy boots. The end result was scanned and used as the basis for the rest of the design." Thompson’s work on web sites and multimedia has influenced his interest in type and typography that transcends the cool, unemotional nature of the computer."


ITC Panic™

