ITC Oldrichium™

ITC Oldrichium™

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ITC Oldrichium™



ITC Oldrichium™


設計師:Thompson,George E.





作為一款熱情、質樸且充滿活力的字體,ITC Oldrichium字體傢族是在向捷克設計師Oldrich Menhart的書法和字體設計表示敬意。 “十年前,我偶然發現瞭Menhart的一款字體。” ,ITC Oldrichium的設計師George Thompson說,“從那以後,我一直在收集他的作品。”Thompson出生於芝加哥,在印第安納州西北部長大。他說:“我從事教育工作和平面設計師已有30多年瞭,刻字和字體設計一直是我工作的一個重要部分。”湯普森現在將大部分時間都花在設計字體上。ITC Oldrichium巧妙地融合瞭Menhart的Manuscript字體形狀和比例以及Thompson自己的設計技巧。結果就是一個獨特的功能強大且用途廣泛的字體傢族。

ITC Oldrichium提供Light、Regular、Demi Bold和Bold字重,並為除瞭粗體之外的所有字重提供相應的斜體,它可以輕松的設置文本和顯示正本。除瞭基本字重,Thompson還為需要特別強調聲明的時刻創作瞭一個Engraved版本。

Spirited, unaffected and buoyant, the ITC Oldrichium type family pays homage to the calligraphy and typeface designs of Czech designer Oldrich Menhart. “I came upon one of Menhart’s typefaces over a decade ago,” says George Thompson, designer of ITC Oldrichium. “I’ve been collecting examples of his work ever since.” Thompson was born in Chicago and grew up in north-west Indiana. “While I’ve been an educator and general graphic designer for over 30 years, lettering and type design have always been an important part of my work,” he says. Thompson now spends much of his free time designing typefaces. ITC Oldrichium is a subtle melding of the shapes and proportions of Menhart’s Manuscript typeface, the energetic strokes of his calligraphy, and Thompson’s own design skills. The result is a distinctive, powerful, and exceptionally versatile typeface family. Available in light, regular, demi bold and bold weights, with corresponding italics for all but the bold, ITC Oldrichium is comfortable setting both text and display copy. In addition to the basic weights, Thompson has created an Engraved version for those times when an especially powerful statement is called for.


ITC Oldrichium™

