- MD5值:
Smart Sans™
Smart Sans™
Smart Sans是對Leslie(Sam)Smart的個人致敬,這個人是加拿大一傢主要的排印公司聘用的第一位字體總監。Smart是20世紀的設計先驅,他提高瞭加拿大排印的標準。他和他的三個同行一起在多倫多建立瞭第一個Type Directors Club。
1998年Smart去世後,字體設計師Rod McDonald決定做點什麼來紀念Smart的一生和成就。“我最初是想以Smart的名義設立一個獎學金,但是設計一款字體的想法很快就取代瞭這一想法,” Rod McDonald,“然而,當我決定設計一種字體時,它就變成瞭一個意料之中的結論,那就是它將是一種無襯線字體——沒有其他原因,隻是因為我喜歡Smart sans這個名字。”
McDonald的創作靈感來自兩種字體。“如同成千上萬的設計師一樣,我熱衷於Matthew Carter的Helvetica Compressed傢族。而且,當我年輕的時候,我也喜歡Fred Lambert的Compacta,” McDonald說,“我想,也許會有一個小范圍的地方可以取代這些‘老主力’,並且在此過程中,能夠給這個流派帶來更新鮮的外觀。”
McDonald為Smart Sans傢族繪制瞭三個字重,它們非常適合設置引人註目的標題以及功能強大的顯示正文。雙層的“g”使該設計活潑個性,而短短的“r”使字間距保持緊湊均衡。
Smart Sans是對優秀的字體設計的致敬之作,因為它提高瞭人們對精簡無襯線字體的期望,Sam Smart會很高興的。”
Smart Sans is a personal tribute to Leslie (Sam) Smart, the first type director to be hired by a major typesetting house in Canada. Smart was a twentieth century design pioneer who raised the standards of Canadian typography. Together with three of his peers, he established the first Type Directors Club in Toronto.
After Smart’s death in 1998, type designer Rod McDonald decided that something should be done to commemorate Smart’s life and achievements. I had first thought of establishing a scholarship in Sam’s name, but a typeface design soon replaced this idea," says McDonald. "Once I decided to design a typeface, however, it became a foregone conclusion that it would be a sans serif – for no other reason than that I loved the name Smart Sans."
Two typefaces served as inspiration for McDonald’s work. "Like thousands of designers, I’m keen on Matthew Carter’s Helvetica Compressed series. And, when I was younger, I also loved Fred Lambert’s Compacta," says McDonald. "I thought there might be a place for a small range that could take over from these ‘old workhorses’ and, in the process, bring a fresher look to the genre."
McDonald drew three weights for the Smart Sans family, all ideally suited for setting attention-getting headlines and powerful display copy. The two-storied ‘g’ contributes to the design’s lively personality, and the short ‘r’ helps maintain tight, even spacing.
Smart Sans is the perfect homage to a great typographer, because it raises the bar on what to expect from condensed sans serif typefaces. Sam Smart would be pleased."