- MD5值:
ITC Migrate™
ITC Migrate™
George Ryan的ITC Migrate是一款極其細窄的無襯線顯示字體,可以有效地補充ITC Adderville。 Migrate代表瞭Ryan在1991年為Bitstream設計的名為Oz Handicraft的一款字體的“更高級的版本”。“這兩款字體,”Ryan說,“都是基於20世紀早期著名的字體設計師Oswald Cooper的設計。”他的靈感來自於由芝加哥Society of Typographic Arts於1949年出版的《Book of Oz Cooper》中的圖紙樣本。“早在無襯線格式在美國流行之前,Oz就廣泛使用它瞭,避開瞭當時人們普遍認為無襯線隻是字母的骨架的觀點。”Oz Handicraft是不正式且古怪的,而ITC則比較拘謹。 “尤其是大寫字符和數字已經過瞭重新設計,”Ryan說,“形成瞭更正式、更傳統的縮窄的無襯線字體。”
George Ryan’s ITC Migrate is a highly condensed sans serif display face that effectively complements ITC Adderville. Migrate represents what Ryan calls a “more highly evolved version” of a typeface he designed for Bitstream in 1991 called Oz Handicraft. “Both faces,“ says Ryan, “are based on designs of the popular early 20th-century type designer Oswald Cooper.” His inspiration came from drawing samples found in the Book of Oz Cooper, published in 1949 by the Society of Typographic Arts in Chicago. “Oz worked extensively with the sans serif form long before it became popular in the States, eschewing a popular belief of the time that sans serifs were only skeletons of letters.” Where Oz Handicraft was informal and quirky, ITC Migrate has a more restrained feel. “The uppercase characters and figures, in particular, have been reworked,” says Ryan, ”resulting in a more formal and traditional, compressed sans serif typeface.”