- MD5值:
Monotype Italian Old Style™
Monotype Italian Old Style™
設計師:Monotype Design Studio
Italian Old Style™由Frederic W. Goudy為美國Lanston Monotype公司而設計。Monotype想請Goudy復制Cloister Oldstyle,這是競爭對手旗下的一款成功的字體(它是由Morris Fuller Benton設計的,請參見Cloister Open Face)。Goudy以道德為由拒絕瞭Monotype並說服Monotype制作一款新的字體。他基於15世紀的Venetian字體,這款字體所使用的歷史模型與Benton的Cloister字體以及後來Bruce Rogers的Centaur字體所使用的是相同的。Goudy的創作瞭Italian Old Style,由Monotype於1924年發行,並被許多人認為是Goudy用於書籍排印最好的字體之一。
Italian Old Style™ was designed by Frederic W. Goudy for the Lanston Monotype Company in the USA. Goudy was asked by Monotype to copy Cloister Oldstyle, a successful font that belonged to a competing foundry (it was designed by Morris Fuller Benton, see Cloister Open Face). Goudy refused on grounds of ethics, and instead talked Monotype into producing a new face. This he based freely on fifteenth century Venetian types, which were the same historical models used by Benton for Cloister and later by Bruce Rogers for Centaur. Goudy’s result was Italian Old Style, released by Monotype in 1924, and considered by many to be one of Goudy’s best fonts for book typography."