- MD5值:
Yalta™ Sans
Yalta™ Sans
Yalta Sans combines the warmth of a traditional humanist design, the clarity of a grotesque and the modernity of a square sans. Several design traits contribute to this melding of diverse typographic concepts. Characters find their foundation in stroke-based shapes rather than constructed forms. Curve stokes are also slightly squared and counters are open. Curved strokes join verticals at nearly right angles to create a strong horizontal stress, aiding the reading process. The resulting design is exceptionally legible while still inviting.
Although Yalta Sans is clearly differentiated from its calligraphic ancestors, many details of the design emulate the distinctive characteristics of typefaces from the Renaissance. Tapering horizontal stokes also give Yalta Sans a dynamic relationship with linear grotesque while its angled stroke terminals echo the work of a calligraphic brush
Yalta Sans italics are cursive designs that are in keeping with humanistic letterforms and are markedly narrower than the Roman characters. Lining and old style figures, small caps and a suite of ligatures also make for a remarkably versatile typeface family.