Univers® Next

Univers® Next

  • MD5值:

Univers® Next



Univers® Next


設計師:Frutiger,Adrian; Linotype Design Studio





Linotype Univers™是對Adrian Frutiger於1957年設計的Univers字體傢族進行的徹底復刻。經過長期艱苦細致的修改,Frutiger和Linotype的設計人員在1997年完成瞭這個大型的聯合項目。結果是: 一個出色且有凝聚力的擁有63種字重和風格(其中包含4個等寬打印機字重)的字體傢族。所有的現有字重已被重新繪制,這一過程中特別註意使比例更加一致,並改善諸如曲線及筆畫粗細的比例等一些精細的細節。

該傢族的字重從27個增加到63個,為平面設計師能夠選擇自己合適的風格提供瞭一個更大的機制。為瞭提高易讀性以及適應屏幕上的應用,粗體字重和窄體字重已被重新設計。為瞭保持每個字體內以及與其他字重的一致性,他們對筆畫粗細做瞭修正。通過遵循Frutiger最初的設計,無襯線體Univers的人文主義特征現在更加明顯。數字系統也得到瞭更新。Univers強健、清晰的字形有利於表達其冷靜優雅和理性能力的風格。事實上,所有風格和字重之間的強大的傢族關系,對需要功能性和一致性的大型平面設計項目來說,是一個不錯的選擇。Frutiger成功地實現瞭最初的目標; 新的Linotype Univers確實適用於較長的文本以及顯示設置。

Linotype Univers™ is a completely reworked version of the original Univers typeface family designed by Adrian Frutiger in 1957. After a long process of painstakingly detailed revision, Frutiger and the design staff at Linotype completed this large joint project in 1997. The result: a brilliant and cohesive font family of 63 weights and styles including the 4 monospaced typewriter weights.

All of the existing weights were completely redrawn, with careful attention paid to making the proportions more consistent with each other and improving fine details such as curves and thick-to-thin stroke ratios. The family was expanded from 27 to 63 weights, providing a much larger framework to graphic designers for choosing just the right style. The bold and condensed weights were reworked for improved legibility and on-screen application. The stroke weights were revised for consistency within each face as well as in relationship to the other weights. By following Frutiger’s original designs, the humanist character of the sans serif Univers now comes through more distinctly.

The systemized numbering system has also been updated. With its sturdy, clean forms Univers can facilitate an expression of cool elegance and rational competence. In fact, the strong familial relationships between all the styles and weights make it a serviceable choice for large graphic design projects that require versatility with consistency. Frutiger was successful in staying true to his initial aims; the new Linotype Univers does indeed work in longer texts as well as for display settings.


Univers® Next



上一篇:Mahogany Script™
