- MD5值:
Optima是Hermann Zapf設計的,是他最成功的字體。1950年,Zapf在佛羅倫薩參觀Santa Croce教堂時畫瞭他的第一幅草圖。他畫瞭1530年左右刻下的墓碑上的字母草圖,當時他身上沒有其他紙,草圖是在兩張1000裡拉的鈔票上畫的。
這種字體是由著名的雕刻師August Rosenberger在法蘭克福的D.Stempel AG字體廠商完成。Optima是為瞭Linotype排版機而生產的,並於1958年發佈。由於其無襯線形式清晰簡單的優雅,以及其逐漸變細的筆劃帶來的強烈的人情味,這一傢族在世界各地廣受歡迎。optima是一種多用途字體;它適用於從書本正文到標牌的任何內容。它有12個字重和4個伴生字重與中歐字符和口音。
2002年,在第一幅草圖問世50多年後,Hermann Zapf和Akira Kobayashi完成瞭Optima Nova,這是對Optima傢族的延申和重新設計。
Optima was designed by Hermann Zapf and is his most successful typeface. In 1950, Zapf made his first sketches while visiting the Santa Croce church in Florence. He sketched letters from grave plates that had been cut about 1530, and as he had no other paper with him at the time, the sketches were done on two 1000 lire bank notes.
These letters from the floor of the church inspired Optima, a typeface that is classically roman in proportion and character, but without serifs. The letterforms were designed in the proportions of the Golden Ratio. In 1952, after careful legibility testing, the first drawings were finished.
The type was cut by the famous punchcutter August Rosenberger at the D. Stempel AG typefoundry in Frankfurt. Optima was produced in matrices for the Linotype typesetting machines and released in 1958. With the clear, simple elegance of its sans serif forms and the warmly human touches of its tapering stems, this family has proved popular around the world. Optima is an all-purpose typeface; it works for just about anything from book text to signage. It is available in 12 weights and 4 companion fonts with Central European characters and accents.
In 2002, more than 50 years after the first sketches, Hermann Zapf and Akira Kobayashi completed Optima nova , an expansion and redesign of the Optima family."