Basic Commercial™ Soft Rounded

Basic Commercial™ Soft Rounded

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Basic Commercial™ Soft Rounded



Basic Commercial™ Soft Rounded






Basic Commercial是一款基於熱金屬字體時代歷史設計的字體。它最初出現在1900年左右,由字體設計師創建,他們的名字沒有被記錄,但是他們的技能不能被忽視。這種字體的設計在包豪斯、達達主義和瑞士/國際風格的版式大師等各種團體和運動中很受歡迎。它影響瞭後來各種奇形怪狀的字體,如Helvetica和Univers。
Basic Commercial多年來一直以Standard Series的名稱在美國發行。字體滲入瞭日常生活和文化的許多方面;例如,它被選為紐約地鐵系統的標識。

Basic Commercial字體傢族成員具有清晰和客觀的設計。它們的形式幾乎沒有什麼不同尋常之處,但仍然生動而清晰。或許正是這個原因,Basic Commercial的設計在平面設計師中流行瞭幾十年。要瞭解更多關於字體的歷史,如Basic Commercial,請訪問我們的字體功能,The Sans Serif Typefaces。此外,這個傢族的幾種字重也有軟而圓的版本可供選擇。

Basic Commercial is a font based on historical designs from the hot metal typeface era. It first appeared around 1900, and was created by type designers whose names have not been recorded but whose skills cannot be overlooked. This typeface’s design has been popular among groups and movements as diverse as the Bauhaus, Dadaism, and the masters of Swiss/International-Style typography. It influenced for a variety of later grotesque fonts, such as Helvetica and Univers.

Basic Commercial was distributed for many years in the United States under the name Standard Series. The typeface worked its way into many aspects of daily life and culture; for instance, it became the face chosen for use in the New York City subway system’s signage.

The Basic Commercial’s font family members have a clear and objective design. Their forms exhibit almost nothing unusual, but remain both lively and legible nonetheless. Perhaps for this reason, Basic Commercial’s design has been popular with graphic designers for decades. To read more about the history of typefaces like Basic Commercial, visit our font feature, The Sans Serif Typefaces. In addition several weights of this typefamily are available as soft rounded versions."


Basic Commercial™ Soft Rounded

