- MD5值:
DIN Neuzeit® Grotesk
DIN Neuzeit® Grotesk
這款字體由Hermann Zapf為D. Stempel AG而設計,最初是打算作為他設計的Palatino字體傢族的book或text粗細字體。1954年,這款字體卻以Aldus的名稱被單獨發佈。Aldus的特點是比Palatino更細更窄,這使得它成為書籍排版的理想選擇,不過,Palatino也非常受歡迎。除瞭常見的book粗細外,Aldus還有其自己的斜體,小型大寫字母及老式數字體。這款字體是以15世紀威尼斯印刷商及出版商Aldus Manutius的名字命名的。
Neuzeit Grotesk was originally designed by Wilhelm Pischner (1904-1989) and was released by the font foundry D. Stempel in 1928-1939. In 1970, the German Standards Committee advised the standard use of Neuzeit-Grotesk for official signage and traffic directional systems, and the abbreviation DIN was added to the name of the font. DIN" stands for Deutsches Institut für Normung (The German Institute for Industrial Standards). Neuzeit Grotesk was also once the standard in the German printing industry. It has been seen as a straightforward and utilitarian typeface, with no unusual or distracting features. Like other typefaces from the 1920s, it reflects the philosophy of those times, "Form is Function." Today, however, because of its familiarity and practicality, DIN Neuzeit™ Grotesk has acquired an almost cheerful and reassuring aura. Try it out for signage, magazine headlines, or flyers. See also Neuzeit S for text weights of Neuzeit Grotesk."