Neue Hammer Unziale™

Neue Hammer Unziale™

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Neue Hammer Unziale™



Neue Hammer Unziale™


設計師:Hammer,Victor; Linotype Design Studio





奧地利設計師Victor Hammer(1882-1967)於1943年創作瞭一款名為American Uncial的字體。Neue Hammer Unziale是德國Klingspor鑄造廠從1953年開始對American Uncial的再次發行。

與American Uncial不同,Neue Hammer Unziale是一種Unicase字體,它有大寫字母和小寫字母。Neue Hammer Unziale也有兩個版本,編號為I和II。Neue Hammer Unziale II基本上(盡管不是百分之百)使用American Uncial的小寫字母和Neue Hammer Unziale I的大寫字母。

Neue Hammer Unziale的OpenType版本名稱中沒有數字! 這是因為它包含來自數字I和數字II中的所有字母。字體中的默認字符是Neue Hammer Unziale I中的字符,而Neue Hammer Unziale II中的字符可作為替代字符。

在羅馬帝國晚期和之後的整個歐洲都使用瞭Uncial字型。它的結構影響瞭卡洛林小寫體(Carolingian Miniscule,公元800年),以及我們如今的小寫字母。Neue Hammer Unziale是世界上最受歡迎的Uncial字體之一。它也是證書和公文的最佳選擇。該字體更適用於12或更大的標題和短文本。

The Austrian designer Victor Hammer (1882-1967) created a typeface called American Uncial in 1943. Neue Hammer Unziale is the German Klingspor foundry’s re-release of this design, from the year 1953.

Unlike American Uncial, which is a unicase typeface, Neue Hammer Unziale has both upper and lowercase letters. Neue Hammer Unziale also comes in two versions, numbered I and II. Neue Hammer Unziale II is basically, although not 100 percent, the lowercase letters of American Uncial combined with the uppercase letters of Neue Hammer Unziale I.

The OpenType version of Neue Hammer Unziale does not have a number in its name! This is because it contains both the letters from number I and from number II. The default characters in the font are those from Neue Hammer Unziale I, but those from Neue Hammer Unziale II are available as alternates.

The Uncial letterform was used across Europe during the time of the late Roman Empire, and thereafter as well. Its forms would inspire the Carolingian Miniscule (c. 800 A.D.), and our present lowercase. Neue Hammer Unziale is one of the most popular Uncial fonts in the world. It is often seen in Ireland and elsewhere for things that should look Irish" or "Celtic." It is also a favorite for use on certificates and diplomas. The font is best used in headlines and shorter texts with a point size of 12 or larger."


Neue Hammer Unziale™



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