Linotype Dala™

Linotype Dala™

  • MD5值:

Linotype Dala™



Linotype Dala™







Linotype Dala Text由瑞典設計師博·伯恩達爾(Bo Berndal)於1999年創作,可以用更柔和、更友好的Blackletter來形容。Blackletter是指從北歐中世紀手稿傳統演變而來的字體。這些字母通常被稱為哥特字母,或者古英語,這些字母是由它們形狀中的寬尖筆觸痕跡來識別的。

Linotype Dala Text最類似於blackletter的fraktur字體。直到20世紀,Fraktur字體一直是北歐流行的文字字體。受瑞典民間傳說的啟發,這種Fraktur字體比大多數例子更加柔和和圓潤。它與斯堪的納維亞民間傳說的聯系使Linotype Dala非常適合童話、中世紀故事和其他可能吸引孩子冒險的文本。

為瞭加強中世紀童話的風格,使用Linotype Dala Text和Linotype Dala傢族的其他元素: Linotype Dala Pict和Linotype Dala Border。這兩種補充字體的人物靈感來自中世紀和文藝復興時期的民間藝術,也由Bo Berndal繪制,使他們成為完美的組合。

Linotype Dala傢族的所有三款都是來自Linotype GmbH的Take Type 4傢族。

Created by Swedish designer Bo Berndal in 1999, Linotype Dala Text can best be described as a softer, friendlier blackletter. Blackletter refers to typefaces that evolve out of Northern Europe’s medieval manuscript tradition. Often called gothic, or Old English, these letters are identified by the traces of the wide-nibbed pen stroke within their forms.

Linotype Dala Text most resembles the fraktur type of blackletter. Fraktur types were popular text faces in Northern Europe until the 20th century. Inspired by Swedish folklore, this fraktur is much softer and rounder than most examples. Its connection to the Scandinavian folkloric tradition makes Linotype Dala perfectly suited for such texts as fairy tales, medieval stories, and other things that might appeal to a child’s sense of adventure.

To strengthen the medieval fairy tale look, use Linotype Dala Text together with other elements of the Linotype Dala family: Library’s Linotype Dala Pict and Linotype Dala Border. The characters in these two supplementary fonts were inspired by medieval and renaissance folk art, and were also drawn by Bo Berndal, making them a perfect match.

All three styles of the Linotype Dala Family are part of the Take Type 4 collection from Linotype GmbH."


Linotype Dala™

