ITC Tabula™

ITC Tabula™

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ITC Tabula™



ITC Tabula™







ITC Tabula就是用於閱讀的。該設計源於一項研究,該研究旨在創作一款用於設置電影字幕的字體。據該字體的巴黎設計師Julien Janiszewski表示:“我為該設計設置瞭一些參數,即字母在膠片上放置時必須能夠保持很小的尺寸,但在劇院屏幕上觀看時必須能夠放大2000倍。”

字幕字體尚未完成,但是幾個月後,Janiszewski重新審視瞭該設計並有瞭新的發現。“我意識到,我為該字幕字體設置的限制,與人們在創作排印標識時可能遇到的限制相差不遠。很多時候這需要一種易於使用的字體,該字體可以很容易地用在高速公路廣告牌的大尺寸標題上,而非常小的字體可以用於文本正文。” 這項工作又進行瞭兩年後,Janiszewski才對結果感到滿意。

最終的設計是一個包含四種字重及其相應斜體的有點方的無襯線字體傢族。 Janiszewski本來還想創做他所謂的“敏感的襯線,一種不僅僅局限於幾何形狀,但又有微妙的書法基礎的sans”。ITC Tabula不僅易於閱讀,而且設計獨特美觀。

ITC Tabula is meant to be read. The design grew out of a study to create a font to set film subtitles. According to Julien Janiszewski, the face’s Paris-based designer, “I set parameters for the design whereby the letters had to be able to hold up at very small sizes when set on film and yet must be able to be enlarged 2000 times to be read on a theatre screen.”

The subtitle font was not completed, but several months later Janiszewski revisited the design and made a discovery. “I realized that the constraints I had established for the subtitling font was not that far from those people could have in creating typographic signage. Many time this calls for a font that can be used easily in very large sizes for headlines on highway billboards and quite small for text copy.” Work proceeded for two more years before Janiszewski was satisfied with the results.

The final design is a somewhat squared sans serif family of four weighs with corresponding italics. Janiszewski also wanted to create what he calls a “sensitive sans-one that is not restricted to geometric shapes but has a subtle calligraphic, foundation.” ITC Tabula is not only easy to read, it is also a distinctive and handsome design.


ITC Tabula™



上一篇:Worcester Rounded
