ITC Handel Gothic™

ITC Handel Gothic™

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ITC Handel Gothic™



ITC Handel Gothic™


設計師:McDonald,Rod; Handel,Don





40多年來,Handel Gothic™字體一直是平面設計的中流砥柱——一直保持著今天的面貌。Handel Gothic是Don Handel於20世紀60年代中期設計的,並於1973年用於由Saul Bass開發的美聯航的logo中。其大氣的小寫字母x高度、圓潤的的字懷以及正方形比例,使該設計在各種尺寸下均具有很高的可讀性。Handel Gothic略具個性的字符形狀使該字體具有40年前的未來主義風格,這種風格至今仍具影響力。此外,安色爾式的小寫字母可以立即被識別——且在無襯線字體樣式中是獨一無二的。

The Handel Gothic? typeface has been a mainstay of graphic communication for over 40 years – all the while looking as current as tomorrow. Designed by Don Handel in the mid-1960s, and used in the 1973 United Airlines logo developed by Saul Bass, Handel Gothic was an instant success when released to the graphic design community. Its generous lowercase x-height, full-bodied counters and square proportions make the design highly readable at a wide range of sizes. Handel Gothic’s slightly idiosyncratic character shapes gave the face a futuristic look 40 years ago that retains its power today. In addition, its Uncial-like lowercase is instantly identifiable – and unique among sans serif typestyles.

Award-winning type designer Rod McDonald was attracted to the simple, decisive forms of the original, but he felt the design needed to be refined and updated. ?One of my goals was to bring a modern typographic discipline to what was really an old phototypesetting font.? To achieve his goal, McDonald re-proportioned every character and balanced the delicate relationship between the curves and the straight strokes. He also added a number of alternate characters to extend the range of the design. ?I wanted to give designers a large enough character set so they wouldn’t feel constrained in what they could do. I want them to be able to play with the fonts, not just set words.? McDonald enlarged the family from the single-weight original to five weights, each with a full suite of alternate characters.In 2015 Nadine Chahine designed matching arabic weights to this family.


ITC Handel Gothic™



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