Palatino® Sans

Palatino® Sans

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Palatino® Sans



Palatino® Sans


設計師:Zapf,Hermann; Kobayashi,Akira





Palatino Sans Informal是由德國設計師Hermann Zapf設計的一款21世紀無襯線字體。Palatino Sans Informal,是作為三個字體傢族的一部分設計的:Palatino nova、Palatino Sans和Pa
latino Sans Informal。這三個傢族共同實現瞭Herman Zapf最初的Palatino想法。Palatino是1950年作為一款metal字體出現的,被證明是20世紀最受歡迎的設計之一。Palatino Sans Informal不僅是一種全新的字體,而且還是對整個無襯線風格的全新詮釋。其字母形狀是彎曲的、圓潤且柔和的,而不是堅硬、工業的。與Palatino Sans相比,Palatino Sans Informal顯得有點怪異,有點藝術感,也更具個性。Palatino Sans Informal傢族中的字體包括一些OpenType功能,例如覆蓋所有基於拉丁語的歐洲語言的擴展的字符集、老式數字、小型大寫字母、分數、序數、連字、替代字符以及裝飾字符。Palatino Sans Informal可以與Palatino和Palatino Sans混合使用。

Palatino Sans is a 21st Century sans serif typeface from the master German designer Hermann Zapf. Palatino Sans and Palatino Sans Informal was designed as part of a group of three font families: Palatino nova, Palatino Sans, and Palatino Sans Informal. Together these three families act as the fulfilment of Herman Zapf’s original Palatino idea. Palatino, which was born as a metal typeface in 1950, proved to be one of the 20th Century’s most popular designs. Not only is Palatino Sans Informal a completely new typeface, it is also a completely new interpretation of the entire sans serif genre. Its letterforms are curved, rounded, and soft, not hard and industrial. In comparison with Palatino Sans, Palatino Sans Informal offers eccentricities that are somewhat artistic and more individual looking. The fonts in the Palatino Sans Informal family include several OpenType features, such as an extended character set covering all Latin-based European languages, old style figures, small caps, fractions, ordinals, ligatures, alternates, and ornaments. Palatino Sans Informal can be mixed well with Palatino and Palatino Sans.


Palatino® Sans



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