ITC Oldbook™

ITC Oldbook™

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ITC Oldbook™



ITC Oldbook™


設計師:Berranger,Éric de





一段時間以來,Eric de Berranger一直想要創作一種仿古的字體設計——一種看起來像古董印刷並顯示出磨損跡象,但仍然具有很高的可讀性的字體。正忙著設計一種叫做Maxime的新字體,他突然有瞭一個想法:我意識到我可以將這些字母形狀用於創作我古老的字體的依據。”他說。這兩個字體最終被同時設計。雖然ITC Oldbook清晰地捕捉到瞭年代久遠、不均勻和不完美的印刷風格,但它也符合de Berranger的目標,即在文本大小方面具有極高的可讀性。關鍵是從精心繪制的字符開始,然後並將這些模型仔細地塑造成仿古的形式。“這個過程比我原先想象的要困難得多,”de Berranger說,“這些古老的字母必須經過多次測試和修改才能正常工作。” ITC Oldbook在文本和顯示尺寸上優雅地模擬瞭古老的印刷風格。雖然筆畫的粗細不均勻,曲線也不規則,但在文本塊中設置時,顏色卻非常均勻。再加上設計固有的易讀性,ITC Oldbook所獲得的范圍遠遠超出瞭對舊事物的復制;它很適合任何需要溫度及飽經風霜的排印項目。ITC Oldbook提供Roman和Bold兩種字重及其相應的斜體設計。小型大寫字母、老式數字以及一傢族替代字符和裝飾字符為設計提供瞭額外的靈活性和個性。”

For some time, Eric de Berranger had wanted to create a distressed typeface design – one that gave the appearance of antique printing and showed signs of wear, yet was still highly readable. He was busy designing a new face called Maxime, when an idea struck: I realized that I could use these lettershapes as the basis for my antique typeface," he says. The two faces ended up being designed in tandem. While ITC Oldbook clearly captures the flavor of aged, uneven and imperfect printing, it also meets de Berranger’s goal of being exceptionally readable in text sizes. Beginning with well-drawn characters was the key, and these were carefully modeled into the distressed forms. "The process was more difficult than I originally thought," says de Berranger. "The antique letters had to be tested and modified several times to work correctly." ITC Oldbook elegantly simulates antique printing in both text and display sizes. And while stroke weights are uneven and curves are irregular, the design has remarkably even color when set in blocks of text copy. Add to this the design’s inherent legibility, and ITC Oldbook acquires a range far beyond replication of things old; it’s suitable for any project that calls for warm and weathered typography. ITC Oldbook is available in roman and bold weights with complementary italic designs. Small caps, old style figures and a suite of alternate characters and ornaments provide additional flexibility and personality to the design."


ITC Oldbook™



上一篇:Juliana® Text
